
If you have a boat, you know that taking care of its components is a must for you to enjoy its full potential. One of the equipment that you must regularly maintain is your marine refrigeration system. This system is your only way to keep your food and drinks chilled at all times.

Opting for marine refrigeration systems can be beneficial in numerous ways. Some types of this system are energy efficient since they do not chug your ship’s main power source. Instead, they draw power from ammonia, hydrogen gas, and water to keep the system running. They can also manage to perform their functions even with long sea travels.

Just like any other equipment, the marine refrigeration system can also break down without proper care and maintenance. To avoid this from happening in the middle of your trip, you must do the following tips.

Keep the System Clean

Taking care of your marine refrigeration system entails the need to clean it. From its chassis down to its components, you must preserve and clean them to the full extent. After all, cleaning your system can help you prevent pest invasion, bacterial contamination, and mould formation.

Pest, bacteria, and moulds can all be prevented by controlling the amount of condensation and moisture. Removal of some materials through regular cleaning schedules can also prevent the growth of these harmful elements. Aside from cleaning, you must also inspect all parts of your marine refrigeration system so that you can quickly react to any hidden substances.

Ensure Regular Maintenance

The runtime of a marine refrigeration system can go higher than other systems on your boat, which means that this refrigeration system truly requires regular proper maintenance. If you are not sure when to conduct system maintenance, you can check and consult the system manual for your reference. The manual may also indicate the components that you need to check and maintain on a regular basis.

If your marine refrigeration system is located near the water, then it might require more frequent inspection and cleaning routine, most especially with its condensing coils. Some warm waters may attract accelerated marine growth on your system that may cause damage in the long run. Additionally, you must also check the entire run of plumbing, which includes the thru-hull, strainer, pipes, hoses to your system, and the discharge side of the pipe run. You must remember that any restriction on your system’s components will hugely affect the water flow and performance of your equipment.

Conduct Regular Inspection

From maintenance to keeping it clean, you must also inspect your marine refrigeration system regularly. The inspections that you will be doing are incremental in maintaining and even prolonging the life of your whole system.

An annual health check of the system is necessary. Make sure that your air filters are clean and free from any seawater. The door seals must also be replaced if they are starting to malfunction. If you don’t know how to use refrigerants, then do not add any of them on your system that you think is low on gas. Leave the difficult parts to a professional.

Taking care of your marine refrigeration system can keep it from wearing out easily. If you need professional help with your system’s cleaning and maintenance, then you can give us a call now at CoolFactor. We have been offering a vast range of refrigeration services for boats or recreational vehicles for almost two decades