
freezerEnvironmentally friendly designs are reshaping coolroom technology. More than a worthy design goal, this engineering imperative is examining the energy-hungry components that give commercially scaled cooling system their reputation for power gluttony. Even basic cooling cabinets share a measure of responsibility here, so how is an environmentally friendly redesign cutting power consumption figures? It all begins here, with a conscious will that drives change.

Environmentally Friendly Coolrooms

Large coolers deliver far more storage space than a standard domestic appliance. That’s an entirely praiseworthy resource, at least when we’re thinking about hotels and restaurants, but it does take copious quantities of electrical energy to cool this voluminous enclosure. Now, the owners of these prestigious business ventures are every bit as environmentally conscious as the average consumer, which is our way of saying a business owner with a walk-in freezer or coolroom covets an eco-friendly cooling solution. In order to satisfy that need, newer, more eco-conscious system purchasers are learning about safer refrigerants, including R600a, a refrigerant that’s becoming popular due to its low environmental impact rating.

Regarding Energy Efficient Ratings 

Happily, newer coolrooms and freezers are adopting a two-fold savings model, a conservational approach that embraces both the need for an environmentally friendly design and that hard to achieve energy efficiency rating. First of all, dangerous CFC gases are gone, replaced by R600a and other low impact chemical fluids. Next, modular enclosures and insulated laminates are quickly replacing outmoded walk-in units. These low energy modular systems incorporate higher R-Value materials. Incidentally, those same materials resist moisture, so a robust cooling envelope is assured. In the short term, the owner of the coolroom enjoys an immediate drop in energy consumption. As for the long-term gains, that safe refrigeration fluid combines with the electrical generation savings to conserve our precious environment. After all, we can all “do our bit” when equipping a hotel or catering establishment, and that contribution will be felt back at the power station, a structure that’s hopefully powered by a sustainable energy source but could just as well be powered by coal or some other nasty fossil fuel.

Everything is designed to be environmentally friendly in newer walk-in coolrooms and their colder cousins, the walk-in freezer. The modular panels and their laminated insulants are recyclable, and so is every other section of the metal shell. Meanwhile, CFC chemicals are banned, safer refrigerant gases are on the up, and low energy compressors, fans, and powered motors are sipping power instead of voraciously consuming the precious resource. In short, it’s a whole new sustainable equipment setup, one that cools as efficiently as ever while also delivering the eco-friendly goods.